Staying Dry While Kayaking

Staying Dry While Kayaking: Essential Strategies and Tips


Staying Dry While Kayaking

Kayaking is an exhilarating outdoor activity that allows you to connect with nature and explore beautiful waterways. However, there’s nothing worse than getting soaked while out on the water, especially in colder weather. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the various strategies and tips to help you stay dry while kayaking.

The Problem: Getting Wet While Kayaking

Getting wet while kayaking can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. Cold water exposure can lead to hypothermia, which is a serious concern for kayakers. It can also make your paddling experience less enjoyable and more challenging.

Importance of Staying Dry While Kayaking

Staying dry while kayaking is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Safety: Being wet in cold conditions can lead to hypothermia, a life-threatening condition. Staying dry helps you stay warm and safe.
  2. Comfort: Dry kayakers are comfortable kayakers. Being wet can be unpleasant and distracting, affecting your overall experience.
  3. Efficiency: Wet clothing and gear can add weight and resistance, making it harder to paddle efficiently.

Strategies to Be Discussed

We’ll explore a range of strategies to help you stay dry while kayaking, including:

  • Choosing the right kayak design
  • Modifying your paddle design
  • Adjusting your paddling technique
  • Selecting appropriate clothing
  • Using a kayak skirt
  • Dealing with unexpected water
  • Maintenance and care for your kayak
  • Avoiding common mistakes

Let’s dive into each of these strategies in detail.

Choosing the Right Kayak

Importance of Kayak Design in Staying Dry

The design of your kayak plays a significant role in your ability to stay dry. Some key considerations include:

  • Flat Blade Design Kayaks: These kayaks are designed to displace water efficiently, reducing the chances of water entering the cockpit.
  • Sit-On-Top vs. Sit-Inside Kayaks: Sit-inside kayaks generally keep you drier as they have a closed cockpit. Sit-on-top kayaks, while more open, can still be adapted to stay dry with the right accessories.

Other Kayak Design Features That Can Help Keep You Dry

  • Hull Shape: A kayak with a V-shaped hull tends to shed water more effectively than a flat-bottomed one.
  • Cockpit Size: A smaller cockpit reduces the exposure to splashes and waves.
  • Scupper Holes: These are designed to drain water that may enter your kayak, preventing it from pooling in the cockpit.

Changing Your Paddle Design

How Water Gets into the Kayak While Paddling

Water can enter your kayak when your paddle drips or splashes. To address this, consider the following:

  • Drip Rings: These are small rubber rings that can be added to your paddle shaft to catch and redirect water away from your kayak.
  • Homemade Drip Rings: If you’re on a budget, you can create effective drip rings using plastic bottles. Cut the bottles to size and slide them onto your paddle shaft.
  • Choosing a Paddle with a Different Design: Some paddles are designed to minimize water splashes, so consider upgrading if needed.

Adjusting Your Paddling Technique

Techniques to Keep Water Out

Your paddling technique can also impact how wet you get:

  • Low Paddling Technique: Keep your paddle close to the water’s surface during your strokes to minimize splashing.
  • Drip Rings Placement: Adjust the drip rings closer to the paddle blades to catch water before it enters the kayak.
  • Using a Longer Paddle: A longer paddle allows you to keep your hands further apart, reducing the chances of water dripping into your lap.
  • Weight Distribution and Balance: Maintain proper balance in your kayak to avoid unnecessary tilting and splashing.

Other Tips for Staying Dry

Dressing Appropriately

  • Wearing Appropriate Clothing: Invest in quick-drying, moisture-wicking clothing designed for kayaking. Avoid cotton, as it retains moisture.
  • Using a Spray Skirt: A spray skirt covers the cockpit and prevents water from entering, especially in rough conditions.
  • Avoiding Waves and Splashing: Choose your paddling locations wisely, and be aware of weather conditions to minimize exposure to waves and splashes.

Dealing with Unexpected Water

Staying Calm and In Control

Despite your best efforts, water may still find its way into your kayak. Here’s what to do:

  • Removing Water Safely: Use a bilge pump or sponge to remove excess water without capsizing.
  • Staying Calm and In Control: Panic can lead to accidents. Stay composed and address the situation methodically.

Maintenance and Care for Your Kayak

Preventing Leaks

Proper maintenance is vital to keep your kayak watertight:

  • Regular Inspection: Check your kayak for cracks, punctures, or damage before each trip.
  • Cleaning and Drying: Rinse and dry your kayak thoroughly after use to prevent mold and damage.
  • Storage: Store your kayak in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

Choosing the Right Clothing

Staying Dry Starts with What You Wear

Selecting the right clothing is essential:

  • Materials to Look For: Opt for synthetic materials like neoprene or nylon that dry quickly and provide insulation.
  • Layering: Dress in layers to regulate your body temperature. A moisture-wicking base layer, insulating middle layer, and waterproof outer layer are ideal.

Using a Kayak Skirt

A Must-Have Accessory

A kayak skirt is a valuable addition to your gear:

  • Benefits: It seals the cockpit, preventing water from entering. It’s especially useful in rough conditions.
  • Proper Usage: Ensure you secure the skirt tightly around the cockpit’s rim to create a watertight seal.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Stay Dry by Learning from Others

Common mistakes can lead to wet experiences. Avoid these pitfalls:

  • Inadequate Gear: Using the wrong kayak, paddle, or clothing can increase the chances of getting wet.
  • Poor Technique: Failing to use proper paddling techniques can result in water entering the kayak.
  • Ignoring Weather Conditions: Kayaking in adverse weather without adequate preparation can lead to getting wet and even danger.


In conclusion, staying dry while kayaking is not just a matter of comfort; it’s essential for your safety and overall enjoyment of this fantastic outdoor activity. By choosing the right gear, mastering your technique, and practicing good kayak maintenance, you can minimize the chances of getting wet and make the most of your kayaking adventures. Remember, a dry kayaker is a happy kayaker!

So, grab your gear, follow these strategies, and embark on your next kayaking adventure with confidence. Stay dry and paddle on!

Related Article: how-to-anchor-a-kayak/

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